Tuesday, March 10, 2009

WIll's First Year

I wanted to do something for Bobby for Will's first birthday and this is what I put together. I will post pictures of his birthday later.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Jumping Boy

Will loves jumping in doorframe-hanging jumper that Leslie lent us. It belonged to our friend Becky's son Bradshaw, then Brooks used it and now Will is enjoying it. We just have to time it well so that there is no spitting up.

Friday, February 6, 2009

I can eat by myself - kind of!

We have been giving Will little puffed cereal to get him to work on his hand-eye coordination. Finally, he is able to get the yummy cereal from his table to his mouth, even though most of the time it is accidental. Most of it still ends up in his lap, but we use it to pacify him while we are getting his meal ready. It was sweet to watch because he would try to pick them up and they would stick to his hand and he didn't know how to get them in his mouth. Now he has figured out that he has to bite them to get them off his fingers. He is such a sweetheart!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Will's Visit with his Great Great Aunt and Uncle

On the Friday before Christmas, my mom kept Will because Leslie had to go out of town. She invited my Great Aunt Helen and Uncle George Oden over to meet Will. I was sorry I missed the visit because the pictures were great. Aunt Helen made Will a beautiful cross-stitched picture for his room which we will treasure. She also gave Will his lunch and they played together. I am so glad my mom took these pictures for us, but sorry I missed seeing everyone.