Sunday, January 24, 2010

Ava Ellison Scott

So, it's been a while since I caught up on our blog. Since then, we have been blessed by the birth of our daughter Ava on Monday, January 4, 2010 at only 28 weeks gestation. She is at Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters and is doing fairly well. She had a minor heart problem that many preemies have (PDA) and is struggling to breathe at times on her own. Sometimes her heart rate drops (Brady's) which give us a scare, but our hope is that as her central nervous system develops in the next few weeks she will grow out of this. Her doctor says that she is making her own path because she is not doing what she is expected to do according to her gestational age. We are just blessed by her presence and praise God for her safe arrival.

We look forward to letting Will meet his little sister and we try to talk to him about her, but he is really jut interested in his trucks.

This is a picture of Ava yesterday when we visited her. We just love her to pieces.


The Milne Family said...

Thanks for updating your blog! :) We've been thinking about y'all and wondering how everything was. So glad to see pics of baby Ava! Keep 'em coming!
Love in Christ, Julie (for all the Milne's)

Jarvi said...

Shelbs - she really does look amazing! You will be bringing her home before you know it! Hope I get to meet her this summer:-) Love - Kate, Brent, Liam and Isabelle

Martha Compton said...

Hey! This is Martha, Julie's sister. I saw your post through a link on her blog. We had a preemie, too, born just shy of 28 weeks. If you ever have any questions or need anything, let us know!